What a great deal PLAYSTATION 2 for a measly 100 bucks i got one..WHY do you ask....Well first of all i don't have the money to get a PS3 it's $399.99 plus tax..way out of my money range and the Xbox 360 seems great and all but i have heard from friends that own them and are on their third xbox360 (red ring of DEATH) and the cheapest xbox is the arcade and it has no harddrive so you can't play the old xbox games. So this is why i got the playstation 2 first of all it has 1,700 and counting games i can chose from and other reasons are price is good>>in times of everything is expenives...i have a love for FINAL FANTASY games and they look great on the ps2 it's the slim one so it uses hardly any room and the games are dirt cheap...and the most important reason is that i think that the NEXT playstation and xbox will be the best ones ever..i like games and so does everyone else TRY TYPING (GAMES) and google it you get a total of
1,400,000,000 hits WOW soo tell me what games do you like and what system are you buying or owning well see ya i have to fight a monster on final fantasy XII.
i got one too i love my ps2...saving money to get a ps3 babyyyy///