Theres this sound that starts at night..BANG BANG then The sound of Dishes clanging(hope thats a word) i look at the time on my clock and it's 2 am in the morning, I get out of bed and walk slowly to the kichen and turn on the lights of course Hehehe i'm not thatBrave>>>>the sound stops, i yawn and head back to bed...I started asking about my apartment to the landlord...about the other tentents that lived or died there..he chuckled and say>>>Oh i guess the sounds started again...I was afraid to ask him how he knew about it then the story was told....Turns out that there was a couple that lived there oh he said ummm 15 years ago the The husband worked late and got home around 2 am(thats why the sounds started so i thought) Well one day the hubby didn't come home and the wife was there waiting with the dinner ready she waited and waited and he never showed up the wife ate and figured he show up then there was a bang bang on the door the wife thinking it was her husband opened the door without lookin though the Peephole...It was not the the husband but some Drugged out man..he pushed his way in..Give me Money he yelled the wife the wife tryed to run but he pushed her and she flew back hitting the table and knocking over the dishes and other things...The Druggy strangled her and left>>..The husband was never found and one knows what happened to him..The wife lived and the trama of what happened made her crazy..she would make dinner for her husband and wait for him to return everynight until she died of unkown cause...the landlord said thats the story he was told long ago...Then i thought well thats one sad story...And i moved out of there the next month and thats the story..Bang Bang....
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