Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine flu or H1N1...Be should you be scared?

 Well this is a new one Swine flu or H1N1 the killer flu that started in Mexico is spreading worldwide...I don't know much about it but today
on the bus i grabed the bar to hold on with my sleeve..Why you ask it's because of things people are saying of how it spreads by touch or sneeze or cough
or touching something like the bar on the bus...if you really want to know about it go here please and check it out..

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Eminem is back with not 1 but 2 cds this year..Slim shady

Eminem is a pretty sweet rapper i have liked him since the first time i heard MY NAME IS..
I bet MTV is glad to have him back doing what he does best
making fun of the celebs lol well his new cd is called Relapse and the second cd i don't know
what it's going to be called but i bet it's going to be good...Oh yeah
he's making a cameo in some new film don't know the name of it.
if you wanna hear his new single WE MADE YOU..go to

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What a rip-off on heroes...NO ONE DIED.

All i heard  all week was FINAL BATTLE and AND WHO WILL DIE..Two things wrong with that ummm that battle was crap they go at sylar and the doors close come on i wanted to see them fight sylar and ...oh look claire is peekinng lol..I gave heroes a chance and it let me down with a two secound fight that i didn't get to see and nathan dies really...sylar becomes nathan sooo then nathan lives on and the clock is 5 secs behind that sounds like sylar is in there somewhere so to recap the season finale,,, NO battle that i saw anyway and NO one really died. I think the only reason they made sylar disappear is because he's SPOCK ON the  star trek movie and at the end of the show ali larter the ice chick how is water girl now came back after she  finshed her film in obsessed...Watch 24 it's wayyyy better.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Final battle on HEROES..season finale WHO DIES?

Who  dies on  heroes?..or who cares does anyone even watch the show anymore i started watching it when it first started..but the storys have been so boring that i don't even care anymore.I will watch heroes tommrow cause i like season finales..24 is my fav show and supernatral and ofcourse niptuck so i am ok with not watching heroes to much..who do you want to see die on heroes..i say it's peter's bro but who knows or better yet who cares..pick your dead hero on the poll. 

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Will be posting some MACRO PICS tomorow.

i was taking a couple of pics i hope when i am done with it they will look good see you then bye oh and try the chatroom i am there sometimes so come and say...whatever later ya'll

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Well this is a picture perfect moment...Macro pics.MACRO PICS

I just found a new cool hobby for myself it's MACRO
 PHOTOS...It's like you take a picture with your 
camera and put the camera(DIGITAL) to macro or 
it you got it to super macro and snap away the 
closer you are the better and then you can zoom in on your computer after you upload the picture and see all the great detail in the picture,,,it's like looking at a brand new picture hiding in there so cool..So the better i get the more pics i will post..well so long time to snap me some MACRO PICS.,                                                                   Here's more about it if you wanna check it out..

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I paint as a hobby..Do you have one?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    What is a hobby really, Well to me it's something that you do for PERSONAL fun...Cause you might be the one out of all  your friends that likes to do that certain hobbys i like reading books by stephen king. The one i am reading now is DUMA KEY great story and i like taking pictures of things i may upload more when i get the chance ...Well peeps i am going to read the rest of my book see ya and thanks for coming.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Playstation 2..It's a 100 bucks WHAT A DEAL.

What a great deal PLAYSTATION 2 for a measly 100 bucks i got one..WHY do you ask....Well first of all i don't have the money to get a PS3 it's $399.99 plus tax..way out of my money range and the Xbox 360 seems great and all but i have heard from friends that own them and are on their third xbox360 (red ring of DEATH) and the cheapest xbox is the arcade and it has no harddrive so you can't play the old xbox games. So this is why i got the playstation 2 first of all it has 1,700 and counting games i can chose from  and other reasons are price is good>>in times of everything is expenives...i have a love for FINAL FANTASY games and they look great on the ps2 it's the slim one so it uses hardly any room and the games are dirt cheap...and the most important reason is that i think that the NEXT playstation and xbox will be the best ones ever..i like games and so does everyone else TRY TYPING (GAMES) and google it you get a total of 1,400,000,000  hits WOW soo tell me what games do you like and what system are you buying or owning well see ya i have to fight a monster on final fantasy XII.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I was worried that the show would have been boring....I was wrong i caught myself laughing a couple of times, It's good to see them boys back EH.. I remmber the sctv days and the movie they did together sooo bad...Stange Brew...Anyway thats about all that there is for this sunday..WATCH THE SHOW YOU WILL LIKE IT...EH>>the guys did the voices too Rick Moranis, Dave Thomas,,,I thought that they would have gotten some unknown guys to do them...GOOD JOB GUYS.

Friday, April 17, 2009

It's Friday..yeaaaa

Well it's friday whats new 5 EPS of Prison Break Are left hehehe didn't the they break out the first season ummm why is it called prison break still i have a new name for it PRISON BREAK/ON THE RUN...ssound good and what is up with all the other shows on tv..dancing with the stars,american idol,all the CSI'S miami,ny,csi, i wanna see a CSI toronto lol what do you think that would be about,,,well thats all for today see ya on monday cause i go on break on the weekends..

Thursday, April 16, 2009

And the winner is....

Ashton Kutcher is first to reach 1 million followers in Twitter contest with CNN....Way to go buddy..and he will donate 10,000 mosquito bed nets to charity in honor of World Malaria Day. CNN has said it would match the offer. ..nice guy

Ashton Kutcher almost there...But CNN is on his tail

Ashton Kutcher is almost at the finsh line...CNN is tailing but losting steam who win be the winner>>Ashton is giving something back go here to check it out.
Whats CNN going to do if it wins???? we will see soon enuff..>>>

Blog looks diffrent?

I came in and did a hole reworking of the site i think it looks a bit better..what do you think..kinda wish i would do more BUT i'm not that great with building fancy webpages like some other ones i'v seen well maybe ill get a bit better if i try to learn a bit of code hehehe right...tell me what you think of it and if you haven't been here before forget what i just said cause you didn't know what it looked like before..

Thanks everyone for checking out my Blog..

It will only get better any ideas of what i should spend more time writing or complaining

They used it...But was it the right time on american idol.

Simon Simon Simon you used the only Lifesaver on American Idol...Was it the right thing to do i don't know but i have a strange feeling that it could have been used on someone better then Matt Giraud..I think simon is going to regret doing it so what do you think about the save History Was Made lol or Mistake Was Made you decide cause i don't care who wins...Do You?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ashton Kutcher is One in a Million..

One million Twitter fans that is..Ashton Kutcher is very close to reaching the One million twitter mark as of now he has 911,666 followers and growing so by tonite Ashton Kutcher or Aplusk will be the all time champ of Twitter i wonder if they will give him the bird at the end of the race..Help Him out Wont Ya...


Susan Boyle is the star everyone is talking about at work on the phone in the newspaper and even on the bus stops..I was there waiting for the bus and this lady was reading the newspaper and The headline Said "Surprise Surprise Simon" and i said to the woman did you see the lady sing and she just started to chat about Susan Boyle like there was no tomorrow Wow what a voice this and i hope she wins and also The don't judge a book by it's cover...Hear that one Simon...well she Surprised me to i wish Simon would have got off his seat and clapped instead of seating there acting like it was nothing new.She was unemployed, had never been married ...And now she is the talk of the town and world Way to go Susan Boyle...Watch her sing here

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I will be watching the Miley Cyrus/Hanna Montana Movie

I will be watching the new movie The Hanna Montana movie and will tell you what i thought of it Don't worry i'll be nice lol..

Idol Views.

american idol
I see or think Allison Iraheta will win the hole American Idol show she's GOT the the look and voice to pull it off and pretty darn cute too...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Breaking news

I broke a glass lol;;;

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I love you man...

I just watched I LOVE YOU MAN...HAHA what a good movie i think us guy should have a cool friend to hang out with...makes life wayyy better.

waiting for the bus.

So im waiting for the bus its late i know i look at the weather network on the net it said 10 degrees i think not cause i am freezing haha i guess the jokes on me AGAIN.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Blogger Buzz: Friend Connect: Grow Your Blog's Community

Blogger Buzz: Friend Connect: Grow Your Blog's Community

Making a different kind of tank..

Well here i am again writing in the blog i'm getting the hang of it now anyway i am going to make this fish tank that is split in to two parts.First i have to remove a fish tank i already have for space reasons...then i got to research the way i am going to do this i don't have a clue yet if anyone knows or can add an idea that would be great''''i will add pics of what i am working with...ok see ya soon.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Ghost in the apartment...

Theres this sound that starts at night..BANG BANG then The sound of Dishes clanging(hope thats a word) i look at the time on my clock and it's 2 am in the morning, I get out of bed and walk slowly to the kichen and turn on the lights of course Hehehe i'm not thatBrave>>>>the sound stops, i yawn and head back to bed...I started asking about my apartment to the landlord...about the other tentents that lived or died there..he chuckled and say>>>Oh i guess the sounds started again...I was afraid to ask him how he knew about it then the story was told....Turns out that there was a couple that lived there oh he said ummm 15 years ago the The husband worked late and got home around 2 am(thats why the sounds started so i thought) Well one day the hubby didn't come home and the wife was there waiting with the dinner ready she waited and waited and he never showed up the wife ate and figured he show up then there was a bang bang on the door the wife thinking it was her husband opened the door without lookin though the Peephole...It was not the the husband but some Drugged out man..he pushed his way in..Give me Money he yelled the wife the wife tryed to run but he pushed her and she flew back hitting the table and knocking over the dishes and other things...The Druggy strangled her and left>>..The husband was never found and one knows what happened to him..The wife lived and the trama of what happened made her crazy..she would make dinner for her husband and wait for him to return everynight until she died of unkown cause...the landlord said thats the story he was told long ago...Then i thought well thats one sad story...And  i moved out of there the next month and thats the story..Bang Bang....

Why start again????

I start smoking again..i know i know they are bad for me..i thought maybe i'll smoke a cig ONLY when i drank RIGHT..Wrong i started smoking little by little i'll stop again for sure i am pretty good at stopping  WILLPOWER is my friend so Last one for SURE...I HOPE SO>

First time blogger..

Hello world i am new to blogging and this is my first blog ever....But i have so muccccch stuff to get of my chest...That i have to let it out somehow...(like a fart that just sits in your stomach)..So first things first Where's  de ya have fun reading my crap(no pun intended)...//
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